Throughout the centuries, the Segura River has defined the events of the peoples and cultures that have lived in Rojales. The fertile lands irrigated by its waters have ensured its survival since the fourth millennium BC, as witnessed by the first human vestiges dated in the Final Neolithic. The remains of Iberian, Roman and Arab settlements are also present in the area.History

At the beginning of the 14th century, Rojales is defined as a town under its current name -Rojales-Roxales- and its location, with the construction of an urban hydraulic complex with monumental characteristics, which will structure the neighborhoods of the municipality on both sides of the Segura River and will define its physiognomy. From then on, Rojales, will live a flourishing evolution as Huertano town.

It was from 1773, when Rojales lived an important demographic growth thanks to the development of its agriculture, activity of great weight until the 19th century. With the industrial revolution, the inhabitants of the municipality knew how to adapt to the changes and developed other economic sectors to the present, where tourism stands out among the most demanded services.