The Hon. The Provincial Council of Alicante has approved by Decree of the Deputy for the Presidency, Economy, Internal Regime and Sports no. 1191, dated March 28, 2022, the granting of a subsidy to the Rojales City Council for an amount of 123,395.61 euros, which represents 85% of the cost of the work and drafting of the project, for the adaptation of the Playing surface for a 8-a-side soccer field, called "Ground Field Transformation", Announcement published in the BOP nº 66 of April 5, 2022, within the "Call for the granting of aid to the Municipalities and Local Entities of Territorial Scope Lower than the municipality (EATIM) of the province, for investment in renovation of artificial turf of the municipal soccer fields to be executed for City Councils, annuity 2021 ”, BOP nº 92, 05/18/2021.

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